20 Good Resolutions for Creative Women
illustration by Justyna Stasik
Instead of rejecting the idea of a New Year’s resolution, try out a few or all of our suggested “promises”. These are attainable, thoughtful and necessary for anyone trying to feed a creative mind and spirit. You can also stick to this list and trade out whichever for whatever, because your self care is your choice.
Resolutions aren’t meant to change you, that’s where 92% of the populace gets it wrong. If anything a good resolution (or three) will allow for self discovery and find new paths. If 2025 is going to be your year, you’ve got to start somewhere. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Every night before going to bed, I will write down one thing I am grateful for that day.
I will wake up at 5:30 am twice a week and dedicate that extra time in the morning for self care, total me time.
illustration by Justyna Stasik for Anderson Paak’s “Room in Here”
3. Have a date night with myself once a month.
4. Eat more carbs. You need it as a mood booster (more productive at work), promotes heart health and other valid benefits. 🍞
5. Won’t skip breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day. Nourish your brain and body before starting your day. 🍳
6. Read for 15-20 minutes before going to bed. Here’s a reading playlist and some book recs.
7. Try to network more on Instagram or TikTok with other artists to show support and learn from others creative process.
8. Instead of thinking outside the box, will try to reinvent and repurpose the inside.
art by Bijou Karman
9. Learn more on how to live more sustainably in my daily life.
10. Launch your website, sell your merch, promote your promote your work and services and services.
11. Will start carrying pen and notebook with me to record ideas, dialogues and/or sketches.
12. To eavesdrop more in public, because inspiration will always pop out of anywhere and from anyone.
13. Pay it forward once a week. (Here’s 5 easy ways)
14. Take (more) walks.
15. Eat more plant based meals.
16. At the start of every month I will transfer $20 to a digital savings account (ie; Oportun), leave it there and at the end of the year, treat yourself to something. Or donate it to a charity or even a person that may need it more.
art by Side Dimes
18. Find a volunteer opportunity. (It’s the giving, not the receiving that comes back to you in karma points.)
19. Write inspirational quotes on flashcards. When necessary, shuffle the deck of flashcards, randomly pick one card to inspire and motivate you.
20. Floss teeth every night before going to bed.