Trick Yourself


credit: @doingyouu

I tricked myself into thinking that I could write a book, and here I am 3.5 drafts later, with a continuing wishlist of lit agents on stand by. For some reason it feels as though the year has only started now, in March, not sure why but that’s what I’m vibing on. And with that, I have an urge to replenish and re-strategize in ways that seemed impossible to do in January and February (for the most obvious reasons). Almost as if these last 2 months were alarm clocks, trying to wake us up from our winter hibernation to recalibrate. I love that word, to calibrate something again, but somehow differently. For some, perception is everything. How I see what’s in front of me is absolutely different than how the person next to me sees it. How we perceive things do become reality.

If the bad people in the world are able to trick themselves into actions of mayhem, ruthlessness, then you should be able to do the same. Of polar opposite consequences of course. March could be the newfound start to the year, where everything that you hope for, aim to be more of or less, becomes believable as the weather changes. There will always be dry January, but March should forever now be the new turning point, where our restless old selves can stay where they were - in the past.


Trying so hard to put the phone down and do something that’s real, that will create a memory for you to look back on in life is not easy. Being over consumed by a fyp, a digital feed that 95% of the time consists of content from 6 months ago should feel like a waste of your time, the little time you have in this world. You can trick yourself to think that in order to live a cooler life, one that means something to you and not 10k followers, that it can only happen by putting the phone down.

The hard truth is that we have become people who easily believe in anything. That’s what social media has given us. It’s allowed too much of the wrong people into our daily lives, taking us away from those who should matter more. This is not new intel, I’m not here to be anti-social media. But the last few months I’ve gotten better to tricking myself into the idea that nothing good exists on social media.

Trick Yourself by DNAMAG

The oldest trick in the book is you. J/K I don’t know what that means.

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