5 Feminist Illustrators To Follow on Instagram

by Stephanie Angelis

by Stephanie Angelis

Today on November 6th, we will vote in the midterm elections and make ourselves count. We look to women supporting women to inspire and aspire us to use our power, our privilege and use this as an opportunity to fix the problems. There's teenage girls counting on us. #girlswillinventthefuture

Shop the Snapshot at Marc Jacobs
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Hey people, it's #nationalvoterregistrationday, and what better day to REGISTER TO VOTE! Because: We need representatives that will work to advance social and economic equality for everyone, instead of trying to turn back the clock to some narrow, distorted illusion of the good ol' days. We need representatives who will take action to make health care affordable for all people regardless of income or pre-existing conditions. We need representatives that understand that women should always have autonomy when it comes to making choices about their bodies. We need representatives that understand that protecting our natural resources is not only good stewardship to our home planet, but is the best long-term economic policy! I mean, you'd think we could all agree on this stuff, but we don't, and the liberties we do share are always in flux and can disappear overnight. The only hope we have is that we can band together on election days to try to pick back up on the progress we've made and thwart those who are working hard to strip away so many of the civil and reproductive rights that we, our parents, our grandparents, and good neighbors have fought for. So, first things first: GET REGISTERED. Did you read all the way to the end? Then you have a chance to win one of my VOTE VOTE VOTE prints! To enter into the giveway, comment below by 11pm on 9/25 telling me which politician you are super excited about right now (doesn't have to be on your own ballot)! UPDATE: I ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ hearing about all of the candidates you guys are jazzed about!! The next 6 weeka are gonna be interesting! ANOTHER UPDATE: we have a winner, @taoofpao! Thanks for playing and cheering for @betoorourke for TX! #ifyoudontvotewecantbefriends #friendsdontletfriendsnotvote #registertovote #votevotevote #votingisoursuperpower #libbyvanderploeg #getoutthevote #bookthevote

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