How to Have a Side Hustle
Everyone is a slasher these days. Or everyone is in mid-attempts of trying to become a slasher of something. A web designer slash YouTube vlogger slash content creator. She's in finance slash photographer. It's cool to slash, but it is not easy to become one, much less admit that you are one. In the age of viral content creation with a side dish of Shark Tank, the grind is the thing to do especially since there's so much more access to resources. Anyone can start writing a novel, or design a website through a phone app.
Some tips on how to achieve side hustler status:
The major key here is that you have to choose one. You can't do both or your body will retaliate. If you are a natural morning person, meaning you get up just as or very soon after the sun rises, then that's your jam. Mentally and physically it's what you're attuned to, your mind is set to focus. If you're a devout night owl and midnight feels early to you, by all means stick to that. The importance of a timed routine is everything if you want to get through tasks and goals.
You have to put in the extra time for side work. Just as you would for hobbies like gardening, yoga, practicing the guitar, freelance projects either come before the “day job” or after it.
Close your eyes, close your lips and inhale slowly. Keep your eyes closed, keep your lips closed and exhale slowly. Visualize towards the middle, the best that you can, but don't try too much. Remember to breathe slowly and take in the sounds of each inhale and exhale. Repeat in your mind what it is you want to do (eyes still closed). Repeat it again and again while seeing a vision of it in your mind. Inhaling and exhaling slowly. Then, open your eyes. That is how you visualize something and the more you practice it, the repetition of it allows it to manifest.
These days there is a high stake if not a cultural buzz on manifesting your “luck”, although luck has nothing to do with success (we all know that, right?). The true purpose of practicing manifestation is simply being your own cheerleader. It starts with you.
For obvious reasons, your mind and body need to be in tact. All slashers need energy. Even if you can't get to the gym every day or the week, have a green smoothie in the morning or afternoon to keep your insides happy. Stay away from energy drinks, the sugar content in just one can will quickly zap your will to work efficiently.
It’s not unusual to carry bigger or more goals than the average person. I suppose this is a true reflection of the modern day gig economy. Whether you’re driving for a ride-sharing app 4 hours a day or doing some freelance writing, your energy is valuable. Keep steady to keep going.
On paper, preferably a notebook or journal. You need one thing that dedicates itself to this side hustle. Every note or task is recorded in ink, making it feel so concrete. Treat it like the important ride-or-die project that it is. (Shop “5 Good Notebooks”)
Now that there are productivity apps to mainstream your workflows, nothing really beats hand to paper. There’s something more concrete, yet interchangeable and even nostalgic when you refer back to handwritten notes, diagrams and sketches. It’s all part of the creative process.
Give yourself a break. Here you are trying to do so many things at once, but twenty minutes of you time is more valuable than pulling an all-nighter. Sometimes stepping away and getting some fresh air, or eating a snack allows your brain to refresh and new ideas can just pop up.
Even if you work a full-time job or you're a full-time student, treat it like it's a job. Don't get discouraged when you're tired. It's important enough, otherwise you wouldn't be devoting time, skills and passion to it. We're rooting for you, here's to success on all your slash endeavors.
Don't forget to visualize and breathe.