A Busy Girl's Guide to Self Care

A busy girl's guide to self care via DNAMAG

by Rebecca Brown

When you're a busy girl living in a hectic world, it takes a kind of magic to fit it all in.

From the demands of being a college student to our own expectations while we're building a career or running a business, our schedules often don't leave us enough room for dealing with the essentials - our wellbeing, personal empowerment, and growth.

Here are a few easy-to-follow self-care tips you can fit in no matter how demanding your schedule is.

A busy girl's guide to self care via DNAMAG


Let's face it – we may love spending time on social media, but browsing our newsfeed or other peoples' profiles is not very productive, and it doesn't always have positive effects on our mental wellbeing.

We’re easily overwhelmed with all the news and we all have our share of insecurities. Besides FOMO, we often end up comparing ourselves to others, feeling unhappy, jealous, sad, or depressed.

Take a break and unplug from social media whenever you can. You'll be more satisfied with your own life if you do. Instead, you can use this time to read or listen to a podcast that will actually contribute to achieving your goals.


Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, tai chi, or some other relaxation techniques are perfect for establishing a connection with your inner being and becoming fully aware of your physical and physiological needs.

Dedicate some time each day to get in touch with yourself. Establish your self-care routine, one that will help you unwind.

An aromatherapy diffuser with the essential oil of your choice can create the perfect tone for relaxation and meditation and help get you into a calmer state.

A Busy Girl's Guide to Self Care via DNAMAG


When you're having a stressful day, breaking away for a 15-minute walk can make you feel clear-headed, less tense, and ready to finish what's still on your plate.

If you are struggling to find a solution to a problem, a walk around the block will get your creative juices flowing boosting your creative output by 60%.

Your mood will improve too, not to mention all the other effects walking has on your mental and physical wellbeing.

A Busy Girl's Guide to Self Care via DNAMAG


Journaling is a great self-care technique you can give a try right away. Some recommend writing a gratitude journal, where you note down three things you're grateful for, every day. This way, you will bring your focus and keep track of good things in your life, even when it gets hard.

The benefits are huge from regular journaling too. Writing down whatever it is you're experiencing, including your temper tantrums, self-doubt, and disappointments goes a long way.

Being aware of all your feelings and identifying the self-talk holding you back is the first step towards recognizing the things you can change. Only then can you begin to work on fixing them.


A refreshing good night's sleep is one of the greatest gifts you can treat yourself to. Sleep is essential for us to feel good, but we so often neglect it. We rarely give our bodies and minds the time they need to repair and recover so that they can be fit and ready for the day ahead.

Try to turn in early, and aim for eight hours of quality sleep, each night. A warm bath, a no-smartphones-in-the-bedroom policy, and avoiding caffeine after 5 PM are just some of the tips you can try to boost your sleep quality. Find out what works best for you and design a bedtime routine that will help you stick to a consistent sleeping schedule, helping you feel fresh every morning.

These tips may seem a bit straightforward, but they've done wonders for me. They won't take too much of your time nor extra energy, and you'll surely enjoy the benefits.