The F Word: The One ThIng No One Ever Tells You About Freelancing with Balncd Design
In this F Word series, we ask creative freelancers 3 questions in regards to their work, skills or even helpful tips to a better freelance life.
Haley from balncd design is a Chicago based brand designer who works mostly with small businesses on creating meaningful brand identity and design.
DNAMAG: Whatโs the best feedback a client has ever given you?
Haley: The best feedback a client has ever given me was that working together gave them the confidence & clarity to run their brand! As a brand designer, you can only hope to set your clients up with everything they need to be successful & it's a great feeling when you know you're doing your job.
One thing nobody ever tells you about freelancing and you wish someone did
Nobody ever tells you that you're basically a content creator on top of being a designer. It's great for practicing skills & learning new things, but growing a business through social media can be a lot of work in itself.
What designer(s) should people follow on social media?
@jordandesignsco and @thetmrwcollective are so incredibly talented & deserve more recognition!
Follow Haley at and check out design templates available on etsy.