Submit Your Art Work to the Covid Art Museum
credit: @dan_cretu
The Covid Art Museum features art born during the Covid-19 quarantine. You can visit it anytime you like, because it lives online. CAM was founded by Emma Calvo, Irene Llorca and Jose Guerrero, all advertising art directors in Barcelona, Spain. During a time of isolation, fear and often times rebelliousness, they wanted to preserve creative works that will someday be a visual walk down memory lane.
Artists from around the world continue to submit work to be featured in the CAM gallery. The founders are open to all mediums, techniques and style, what is important is that the piece has to reflect the current moment of the Covid-19 crisis.
Even after the pandemic has subsided, these artworks will tell stories of how people felt emotionally, how quarantine inspired them and how art remains to be the one true diary of a person’s place in time.
[submit your work below]
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