Across the Universe, Greta and the Global Climate Strike
photo: @gretathunberg
On Friday, September 20th the now historical #climatestrike took place in multitudes of cities around the globe. According to, more than 4 million people took to the streets with their empowered hearts to join the fight that’s been led by the courageous and enlightened Greta Thunberg. The general populace of this march were the youth, who were angry, fearful and brave. We can only hope that if you’re reading this, it is not too late.
“If world leaders choose to fail us, my generation will never forgive them.” - GRETA THUNBERG
At age sixteen, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg uses her voice as her power to the alarming cause of climate control and the lack of government intervention and support. You could say she has woken up the beast, that being the global scale of climate change and how it has affected our resources and outlook for a safe future (if any). This is what was meant all along, that the children are truly the future. It was once just song lyrics is now a fruition of harsh truths thrown into the faces of government officials and world business conglomerates who either lack the empathy or decency to open their eyes and face their faults. What’s worse is that they keep their eyes closed to the climate emergency that is obviously on millions of people’s minds. Why is it up to the children to save the planet? Was that part of the plan all along?
The message is on the cardboard signs, concise and emotional. As oceans are rising, so do the youth’s rebellion to be heard and hopefully influence the world’s direction to rapid decarbonization. When you see a child crying in the middle of the street you go to them and ask how to help. This is the same thing, because the fact that millions of children under the age of 18 skipped school on September 20th to walk the climate strike is a gigantic cry for help. This isn’t your grandparent’s hippie movement, this is a global intervention on what is affecting each and everyone single person alive. It’s a sucking reality when adults can’t rise up to the challenge and a child steals the seat at the table. That is what’s happening now, and even though if you’re not able to go out there and hold up signs and shout, by reading this, researching climate change and its detrimental effects, by liking Instagram posts from climate leaders, just by being their cheerleaders, we are all in it.