Healing Crystals For Beginners
illustration by Phuong Nguyen
Calcite, Amethyst and Moonstone, Oh My! ✨
You are part of the lucky bunch that gets to explore the mysteries of crystals and their abundant energy! Chances are you’ve probably seen a crystal or gemstone some point in your life. Maybe you’ve only considered them rocks, decor or just plain weird. Other than studying geology, I knew nothing about the amazing properties of these beauties, and then suddenly I felt drawn in to the energy they create. It was something magical I’ve never felt before.
I’ve always been into astrology but like many others I’ve only known my sun sign. As I got to learn more about it, I found out that there’s much more to astrology than just your zodiac sign and my world opened up. The YouTube videos I would watch and professionals I would go to kept mentioning that every sign has crystals they should keep around to help boost the situation, energy and help set intentions. I’ve always been into rocks, seashells and all things mundane go the human eye and then I found crystals. I looked and looked, until I found a place I felt I could trust. I had found a local shop that sold all varieties of raw crystals too look, to hold and touch; to buy, to take home and have forever. To me, this was by far the coolest place to come to for hours on end.
illustration by Phuong Nguyen
There were so many crystals I couldn’t believe my eyes! The place I and found always had labels on the crystals, explaining what each one’s properties are. Even though there were labels on them, you’re not supposed to choose based on that alone. While choosing the right crystals can be overwhelming because there truly are so many; you’re supposed to sit with the intent in your heart and you’ll be driven towards certain crystals. Crystals are a tool to help you connect your thoughts to your conscious body. When you set intentions with your crystals, the energy transforms. Please read into the properties before buying a crystal because although they’re pretty, there are some that aren’t just for walking around with. These energies are not to be taken lightly, so practice wisely.
If you can find a shop that sells crystals and You find that you’re always so curious about the wonderful world of crystals and energy, I genuinely encourage you to feed into your inner child and go inside. It’s never too late to learn more about yourself, get an extra push in life, want protection, to heal yourself, or free yourself of old habits. Crystals can assist in every life situation. Like I said, they are tools not the answer but whatever it is, they are quite magical.