Interview With Lulu Wang, Director of The Farewell
Lulu Wang, director of The Farewell interview via SSENSE

โ€œThe Farewell follows Chinese-American twentysomething Billi (Awkwafina) who travels back to China with her parents when her beloved Nai Nai is diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Rather than inform her of her fate and mournfully make arrangements, the far-flung family keep the devastating prognosis a secret from herโ€”as is often the custom in China. Instead, they hastily throw together a big wedding for Billiโ€™s cousin, so that everyone has an excuse to come home and โ€œsay goodbyeโ€ to their matriarch. Itโ€™s a defense of ignoranceโ€”as the title of the 2016 This American Life episode in which Wang first told this story put itโ€”as well as an exploration of the very un-Western idea that oneโ€™s life is not merely oneโ€™s own. And while The Farewell isnโ€™t about memory alone, even its tiniest details brim over with them.โ€ โ€ฆ

*Excerpt from SSENSE

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