5 Good TikToks

credit: @clarissaacindy

credit: @clarissaacindy

TikTok is the only social media platform (for now) that not only gets the green light and thumbs up with the grandparents worldwide, but if TikTok taught us anything at the start of the pandemic it was a multitude of dance moves and a bevy of cooking tutorials. Never a dull moment when there’s haunted house tours, cats, doggos doing things, the cinematic morning walks to go get coffee, the million ootd’s and so - much - good- food.

Not only does TikTok influence us buy things, but it can also teach us things in ways that all the other social media apps cannot. There’s something for everyone and anything that could be of interest is somehow entertaining.

TikTok @mayofood

If you are a die hard street food eater, then this food TikTok captures the most delicious, tempting, sweet and savory of all Korean street food.

Louise Bourgeois on Art21

Art21 is a non-profit art organization that features artists of all backgrounds, famous and emerging. In this video the late iconic artist Louise Bourgeouis walks us through an installation piece.

beauty tutorials on TikTok

I’ve spent an enormous amount of minutes that inevitably turns into an hour of watching, rewatching makeup tutorials. There’s always one that is a game changer and have even bought the products out of curiosity alone. Another “TikTok made me buy it” situation no less.

Florence + The Machine and Bill Nighy

British actor Bill Nighy stars in Florence + The Machine’s video for their single “Free” and they appear to be a quirky duo. It does turn out that Nighy plays the role of Florence’s anxiety.

Cherry blossom season in Busan, South Korea

It’s videos like this that must make people who live in the suburbs feel somewhat sad. This TikTok captures the beauty of cherry blossom season in full effect as well the charms of Busan, South Korea.