5 Things For Your Mental Health
photographed by Olivia Langner
The importance of mental health is a hot topic affecting every single person in the world. The state of your mental health is what gets us out of bed in the morning or keeps you away from good things. When we have to take care of others, it's easy to forget about taking care of ourselves first. A lot of what affects us mentally, more so than physically is having undergone a trauma or a tragedy. But there's a need to keep going even when it's so hard to keep it all together.
These five simple things are personal survival skills that have helped me with post-traumatic stress and coping with loss and grief.
photo by Jess Chamberlin
This can be a list of all the things that make you content or everything you're thankful for. Seeing it written down confirms that there's a brighter side opposite to whatever glooms over you.
photo by Juergen Teller
Worrying means you care. But can you worry too much? Sure, what you have to realize and admit to yourself is that sometimes things don't happen the way you want them to. Other times they do and even more than what you hoped for. Learn to appreciate and accept both. And don't ever let worry turn into fear.
photo by Hanna Putz
Everyone wants to survive. And because you never truly know what a person is going through, we need to be ready to help in any way we can. Be someone who listens. And then really try to be the person that can help in whatever ways needed.
photo by Anton Budenko
It's okay. Simple as it is is that whatever you are feeling, it is okay to feel that way. Own it, live through it and hopefully learn from it.
No, you don't have to be a yogi or be a meditation geek to have a mantra. Having a personal mantra to recite everyday or when you feel at a low point can work as an affirmative statement for the purpose of encouragement. A single phrase that uplifts and motivates you.
If you do need a support system, someone to just listen to your problems at no cost, there are people out there. Just because you need help does not mean that you are failing. It only means that you are living and working through something.
Or hey, you can send us a DM, or send us an email, we would love to lend a caring ear. (Mention this post so it bypasses spam) No judgements, just compassion for your feelings and what it is you are going through. Sometimes it just takes someone listening through your troubles and worries, and there’s never anything wrong with needing that. We all need that at some point.