Is Fast Fashion Shein Too Good to Be True?
by Zara Khan
I’m sure most of us know the fast fashion retailer Shein by now. Low prices for the most updated fashion trends and styles of the year, month, or even sometimes week. Something I’ve struggled to understand is why are Shein’s prices so low? How can they push out so much quantity and selection so fast?
Let’s investigate if those under $3 tops are really worth it - no, really they are as low as $3.71.
We begin by talking about something we all know needs to be said - Shein is sketchy in its work practices as much as they are in the quality of its garments. Try researching a little about it and you will find there is not much information to be found about the company, a lot of things remain unclear.
Isn’t a $3 top from a major retailer sketchy? How can a top be priced so low? This is the work of unfair labor and sweatshops. Unethical, fast fashion is unfolding before us. Shein does not have enough information about its reduction of impact on the planet and people. (*Recent article on on how Shein suppliers continues to work 75 hours a week.)
Ask yourself, do you really know the companies you are buying from? How well do they let their practices be known?

Go down a Reddit hole about Shein and you will uncover a lot of interesting opinions. At the end of the day, as consumers we deserve to know, understand, and be able to look into companies that we purchase from. Ask yourself, do you really know the companies you are buying from? How well do they let their practices be known? Is your $2 top worth not ever knowing the unfair wage and labor that went into it?
Be conscious of what you consume. Your purchasing power affects everyone in this world.