FREELANCER FOR HIRE: CATHERINE UHLRICH freelancer for hireDNAMAGDecember 8, 2021freelancers, freelance, Freelancer for Hire, Catherine Uhlrich, nyc, Brooklyn, art director, art direction, UX, UI design, UI, net-a-porterComment
New Aesthetic: Works by Carlota Guerrero photographyDNAMAGMay 14, 2021art direction, photographers, creative, art director, Soko, photographer, photographyComment
Work It: ThirdLove Hiring Art Director (San Francisco) careersDNAMAGFebruary 11, 2021San Francisco, jobs, careers, art direction, art directorComment
Girl to Know: Jade Purple Brown artistsDNAMAGFebruary 3, 2021Girl To Know, artist, artists, black art, black artist, black artists, illustrator, illustration, graphic design, art direction, Black History Month, female empowerment, women's empowerment, words to live by, society6, inspiration, future is femaleComment
FREELANCER FOR HIRE: EMMA OLSWING freelancer for hireDNAMAGMay 12, 2020Freelancer for Hire, freelancers, art direction, nyc, art director, freelance, creative, Emma OlswingComment
Covid-19 Posters But Make it Design Worthy artists, cultureDNAMAGMarch 19, 2020illustration, artist, artists, Covid-19, pandemic, culture, pop culture, design, art direction, art director, fendi, marc jacobsComment
Work It: Nanushka Hiring Art Director (Budapest) careersDNAMAGSeptember 24, 2019Nanushka, totokaelo, careers, jobs, art directionComment
Creative Spotlight: Lauren Mitchell creative spotlight, artistsDNAMAGMay 17, 2019creative spotlight, Creative Spotlight, illustrator, artist, art direction, art director, feminism, feminist, female empowerment, women's empowerment, creative, inspiration, Johannesburg, South Africa, net-a-porter, Kara, ssenseComment
Work It: Longreads by Wordpress is Hiring Art Director (Anywhere) careersDNAMAGMarch 22, 2019jobs, careers, art directionComment
Work It: & Other Stories Hiring Art Director (Stockholm) careersDNAMAGJanuary 30, 2019Stockholm, careers, art director, art directionComment
Linked In: The Myth of the Starving Artist culture, design, artistsDNAMAGDecember 7, 2018artist, artists, creative, writers, art director, art direction, advertisingComment
Work It: Ralph Lauren Hiring Art Director (NYC) careersDNAMAGDecember 4, 2018jobs, careers, art director, art direction, nyc, digital designComment